National Network
Fábrica Social, Rua da Fábrica Social S/N 4000-211 Porto Porto PortugalCountry
PortoStreet address 2
Fábrica Social, Rua da Fábrica Social S/N 4000-211 PortoTelephone
351 222006144Website
Click HereYear of Establishment
1994Contact Person1
Carlos CostaContact Person 2
Ana VitorinoOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
ArtsGeneral Information
Not for profit association with a staff of 3 persons plus several regular colaborators. Funded by portuguese and european public institutions and also by co-producers. Average anual budget between 75.000 and 175.000 euros. Producing performing arts (performances, workshops, community based work)with several public and private partners (national theatres, foundations, neighbourhood authorities etc).Mission and Objectives
Visões Úteis (which in portuguese stands for “Useful Visions”) is an artistic project, with a theatrical inspiration, based in Porto since 1994. A very personal artistic project, producing itself, a multidisciplinary project, using collaborative processes which invite all artists involved to take part in a very special commitment. In Visões Úteis, the aesthetical project has been growing along with a very strong ethical— we can even say political— commitment, in a constant reflexion about the contemporary sense of making art— and specially performing arts— which is decisive to the daily working options and gives us an accurate sense of our political and social responsibility towards the community we live in.Main Projects / Activities
Considering the year of 2013 we could point: A bycicle opera along the city river (inspired by the pollution of the water), a community performance in the underground (inspired by the boarders between social groups) and a theatrical performance (inspired by the relation between information and democracy). And also the participation in several learning/networking projects with partners from Greece, Ireland, France, Italy, Sweden and Germany.How can you contribute to the Network in your country?
We are members of PLATEIA (the only formal association of theatre companies in Portugal). And also one of the few portuguese members of IETM - International Network for the contemporary performing arts. So we could say networks are a vital part of our DNA. Thus, we belive that, after some time, we could contribute to bring more members (mainly from the north region but not only) to the network. And of course, we would give more visibility to the network by linking our mission to the one of the network.Why do you want to join the ALF Network?
Because, in the last years, networking and collaborating with south european partners has become crucial for us. Not only for pratical reasons (trying to escape to the finantial constraints of working alone) but specially to make a proper sense of our role in Europe, both as portuguese and artists.