National Network
Wissmannstr. 32 Berlin GermanyCountry
BerlinStreet address 2
Wissmannstr. 32Telephone
-49-30-60977016E-Mail (2)
Click HereYear of Establishment
1993Contact Person1
Paul RätherContact Person 2
Nasi NikpayOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
ArtsGeneral Information
Project of a "gemeinnütziger Verein", number of staff: 15, basic funding through the Senate of Berlin, project resources to be generated elsewhere. Running several weekly series of events, large yearly events, cooperations with partners, in own house (hall for 300, club for 100, seminar rooms for 20-50 people; restaurant with garden attached) and elsewhere.Mission and Objectives
To produce and present transcultural art - in music, dance, movies, literature; to encourage interreligious dialogue and political discussions on integration/migration; to help in empowerment of minority groups, to work against racism.Main Projects / Activities
„Black History Month“, annual 4-week festival of black culture and history in February; "creole global - Global Music Contest“, annual world music competition; „Arab Song Jam“, monthly series of workshops and concerts of Arab traditional and popular music; „Gnaoua Festival“, annual festival of Moroccan religious trance music; „WorldWide Music“, weekly series of World-Fusion concerts; weekly series of jazz concerts featuring the house’s own „Little Big Band“ and other ensembles; „Beyond Spring“, monthly series of movies from the Arab world; etc.