
Anna Lindh Foundation

Youth the future

National Network



zk. Ljulin, bl. 321, vh. G, ; optional: 2, Angel Kanchev str., Sofia Bulgaria





Street address 2

zk. Ljulin, bl. 321, vh. G, ; optional: 2, Angel Kanchev str.,






Click Here

Year of Establishment


Contact Person1

Ivanka Neykova

Contact Person 2

Stoyan Panchev

Organisation Type

Non-Governmental Organization

Fields of Activity

Democracy and community development

General Information

The Bodies of the Association are General Meeting, which acts as the supreme body of the Association and the Managing Board, which acts as the managing body of the Association. The managing board consists of 8 people - experts in different fields - legal, psychological, environmental, accountancy, sports, youth activities, labour market and rights and international relations, working on a volunteer basis, not directly hired on a contract, and a technical assistant hired. The budgetary resources are coming from the membership fee and for funding of our ideas and goals we look for different opportunities through the EU funds. Our organisation is a year old and so far we have completed one project, funded by the European Youth Foundation - "Unions' youth facing the changes in the society" gathering 4 Balkan countries young union leaders to discuss and elaborate on the post crisis effect on the young people. Our partners are various national NGO's, the Youth networks of the Trade Unions of EU, the National youth forum. All of the members of the Managing Board are having strong Union background and thus our main partner is the Youth network of Confederation of labour "Podkrepa".

Mission and Objectives

OBJECTIVES: Article. 4 The Association is to follow the below listed objectives: 1. to strengthen and develop the spiritual and civil values in the area of education, culture, science, technology and sports - though the active participation of the young people; 2. to build capacity for knowledge and skills – aiming at the implementation of innovations and is to to address current issues solutions - through the participation of the young people; 3. to promote social integration and personal progress of the young people by promoting active and creative interaction between them as well as encouraging their active involvement into civil society; 4. to stimulate the development of youth initiatives in the aspects of civil society, culture, education, science, technology, sports, ecology, etc.; 5. to work for socio-cultural and economic development of the country, in a partnership with the local government administration, public authorities, private sector, non-government organisations and representatives of all interested party communities; 6. to work for the establishment of partnerships and partnership networks at local, national and international level of cooperation in the implementation of joint activities and projects; 7. to help ensuring the necessary exchange of information for optimal cooperation between youth, organizations and institutions to be provided; 8. to assist the socially disadvantaged youth, disabled, minority groups representatives and others, who are in need of extra care and inclusion; 9. to protect human and civil rights and interests of young people.

Main Projects / Activities

SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES Article. 7 (1) The scope of activities of the Association is as defined bellow: 1. development and strengthening of moral values, civil society, culture, education, science, technology, ecology, tourism and sport; 2. implementation of activities to increase the capacity of the population and in particular – of the young people at local, regional and national level through training, consultations, seminars, lectures, discussions and provided expert assistance; 3. development and implementation of projects aimed at mobilizing resources to address youth issues throughout the country and ensuring their social integration; 4. supporting the social integration and personal development of young people and representatives of disadvantaged groups, including - supporting the sustainable development of rural regions; 5. systematic work with organizations and communities for social development of young people, minorities, women and others, including - for disadvantaged people groups; 6. conducting policies for the protection of human rights, equality, decent labour and combating various forms of discrimination; 7. development and enrichment of cultural life and leisure services to the young people; 8. fundraising, collecting donations and providing sponsorship for the implementation of projects to third parties that help achieving the objectives of the Association; 9. promoting social awareness and civil consciousness of young people to solve their specific problems, including through increasing their capacity for absorption of EU structural funds; 10. any other activity that contributes to the objectives of the Association and are not prohibited by law - including business-related non-core activities and contributing to the objectives - revenue provided by the latter to be used only in order to achieve the objectives of the Association.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our strong interconnection with the Youth network of CL Podkrepa and our almost 1000 volunteers, 700 of them aged between 15-29, we can strongly contribute to the spreading of the ideas and goals of ALF and guarantee commitment and involvment in the activities of the national network. Using our expertise in the fields of our experts ALF national network could have a strong benefit having us as members.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We have plenty of contacts and partnerships across Europe, but what we would like to explore is to create and develop sustainable relations with other parts of the world and especially the Mediterranian countries. With the latest developments there - the Arab spring, and the latest events in our country - the over -a month -long mass protests on the streets of almost all the cities, that lead to the fall of the Government, we are whitnessing the same processes arround the Mediterranian, despite the cultural, religious and political differences. We would like to explore the realities the youth of those countries are facing, to share experience, best pracices, to learn about the differences of our cultures and the more and more similarities we are having, driven by the globalisation processes. We would like to establish sustainable relations for cultural and educational exchanges, that both sides of the Mediterranean will benefit.