National Network
Neznanih junaka 99/a, Podgorica 81000 Podgorica MontenegroCountry
PodgoricaStreet address 2
Neznanih junaka 99/a, PodgoricaMobile Phone
+382 69 050 036Telephone
+382 69 050 036Telephone (other)
+382 69 371 620E-Mail (2)
Click HereYear of Establishment
2000Contact Person1
Igor RakcevicContact Person 2
Irena JankovicOrganisation Type
Non-Governmental OrganizationFields of Activity
ArtsGeneral Information
Zona Culture is NGO, founded by group of artists at 1999 in Podgorica, with aim to promote and improve cultural activities in Montenegro as well as creation of an network with similar organisations, individuals, artists and culture institution in the region with goal to improve conections and exchanges of expiriances in the fild of art ad culture. Main partners are GTC (German tehnical cooperation),Ministery of Culture,Prohelvetia, USAID/ORT. Annual budget resources for activities are 10 000 Euro.Mission and Objectives
Promotion and improvement of cultural and arts activities in Montenegro as well as exchange of expiriance between individuals and cultural institutions in the region.Promotion of crative industries.Main Projects / Activities
" Art trail" supported by GTC (German tehnical cooperation). Main activitis is presentaions and promotion of Art trail,as well as creative center settled in village Smokovci, rural part of Montenegro with goal to promote thet region as an turistic destination, trought artistic interventions ( creation and setting up of artists works sculptures and instalations on the Art trail).