ALF Hands-On
ALF HandsOn is a peer-to-peer, e-learning opportunity designed by and for civil society organisations to provide hands-on experience that enhances the skills of experienced professionals working in intercultural dialogue. This is more than just a training programme; HandsOn is a platform for collaboration, practical application and community building.
ALF Hands-On is implemented through two stages:
- Selection of facilitators from organisations: The first stage focuses on identifying civil society organisations with expertise within the ALF National Networks and beyond. Selected organisations propose enhancing modules and syllabuses that reflect their areas of expertise. They then receive funding to deliver these modules.
- Participant Enrolment: In this stage, civil society professionals are invited to apply and select their preferred training modules for free.
“It was exactly what I was promised to get. A full update on almost all aspects of my life that are important to be able to live successfully and make the most of it. A thorough analysis of everything that is new. This workshop should be obligatory for every citizen in all modern societies!”
John Sourelis, Greece – Training Module: Mastering the Modern World: Building Movements, Skills & Strategies
“The course was extremely insightful, balancing well between theory, interactive aspects and practical development and discussion of participants’ campaign ideas. I recommend the course to colleagues and would attend further training on other topics by the same trainers.”
Dena Popova, Bulgaria -Training Module: Bridging Boundaries: Empowering Civil Society with Intercultural Media Campaigns
Iman Rhimi, Tunisia – Training Module: Mastering the Modern World: Building Movements, Skills & Strategies