
Anna Lindh Foundation

alf in motion 8th edition

We no longer receive applications for this call.

ALF in Motion 8th Edition

ALF in Motion is a mobility programme designed to promote cross cultural collaboration by bringing civil society entities from both shores of the Mediterranean working together in person. Through this programme, one organisation hosts up to two representatives from other entities, allowing them to exchange fresh perspectives and new expertise. Artists, civil society practitioners and academics engage in a motion of knowledge to develop joint projects or generate innovative ideas, workshops, debates, training, or artistic performances.

ALF in Motion is a transformative experience that brings together diverse voices, empowering civil society to redefine cross-cultural collaboration in the Euro-Mediterranean region through four different mobilities. 

Read the full call and application questions in PDF format here.

ALF Mobilities and Who Can Apply?

In ALF in Motion, we introduce four distinct mobility modalities (PACK), each tailored to meet the needs of a specific audience.

Mobility For Partnership: For entities in the process of developing project proposals and are actively seeking international partners for collaboration or creating a consortium and are looking to engage in joint brainstorming exercises and more.

Mobility For Action: For entities participating in face-to-face intercultural dialogue events like workshops, debates, trainings, intercultural performances, etc. and are interested in enriching these events by inviting external parties from different organisations around the Mediterranean.

Mobility For Creativity: For artistic and creative outlets willing to host creative individuals or artists, allowing them to step out of their everyday practices and explore new horizons. Participants in this modality can bring their creative initiatives to life, experiment with new ideas, and collaborate with like-minded peers.

Mobility For Knowledge: For entities partnering with other peers or academic institutions to create knowledge products related to intercultural dialogue. It’s an opportunity to co-produce cross-sectoral knowledge in the Euro-Med region.

This call is closed now.

Apply to Mobility for Action

Deadline to apply: 29 December 2024 (23:59 CET)

Applications should be submitted by the host organisation, which will receive representatives from another organisation for a joint, in-person intercultural dialogue activity. Mobilities must take place anytime between 1 February 2025 and 30 April 2025. The host can request financial support to welcome one or two civil society representatives. Both ALF members and non-members are eligible, though non-members are encouraged to apply for membership by the call’s deadline. Activities must occur in the host organisation’s country and involve at least two organisations (host and sending) from complementary Mediterranean shores. If collaborating with two sending organisations, each should be from a different country on the opposite shore.

Only for the Creativity Modality, host organisations may apply to receive individuals not representing an organisation, provided they are from different countries. In exceptional cases, ALF may approve collaborations within the same Mediterranean shore if there is strong, well-justified value.

Note: The same applicant cannot submit more than one mobility proposal under this call. Applications cannot be submitted for activities that are already partly or fully funded by ALF.

How to apply?

After choosing the mobility that is best suitable for you, identify the potential organisation(s) to be mobilised (the ALF Network page can help in this regard) and agree to cooperate together in the framework of the chosen mobility. 

Pre-established lump sum allocations & payment modality

Lump sums and minimum duration of stays supported by the ALF for each modality are as follows:

Maximum of mobilised personsMinimum duration of the stay abroadLump-sum per hosted organisationMaximum contract value
PartnershipUp to 2 from different countries7 days1.300 euro2.600 euro
ActionUp to 2 from different countries2 days1.300 euro2.600 euro
CreativityUp to 2 from different countries1 month2.500 euro5.000 euro
KnowledgeUp to 2 from different countries7 days1.500 euro 3.000 euro

Note: No pre-financing is planned; the lump sum will be transferred to the host organisation’s account after mobilities take place and upon approval of final reporting. If needed, a 60% pre-financing option is available, with €120 deducted for transfer costs. Beneficiaries must follow ALF’s communication and visibility guidelines for the intercultural dialogue initiative.

Selection Criteria: 

Selection prioritises high-quality submissions focused on peacebuilding, coexistence, inclusivity, or disinformation. Priority is given to proposals where all involved organisations are ALF members, the host is an ALF member, and previously mobilised individuals are not included. Gender, youth, and geographical diversity are also considered. The following are the evaluation criteria taken into account:

Relevance of the proposed initiative in terms of Intercultural Dialogue as indicated in each modality (20%)

Added value of the involved organisation(s) in relation to the proposed mobility (20%)

Pertinence of the specific experience of the beneficiaries/mobilised person(s) in relation to the proposed mobility (30%)

Complementarity between the host and the beneficed/mobilised organisation(s) profile/background (30%)

Don’t miss the opportunity to take your intercultural cooperation project to a broader level. Apply before (deadline)

If have you have any questions, please reach out to alfinmotion.call@alfsecretariat.org