Anna Lindh Foundation

2nd Preveza Summer School (2023): History end Economy (HISEC) – Preveza 6 -9 July 2023
The  2nd Summer School of the University of Ioannina provides students and researchers with an opportunity to experience quality education/research training in a variety of disciplines: History, Economics, Sociology, and Technology. It addresses different learning levels: underground, postgraduate, and doctoral. Participants (up to 30) will attend lectures and will be trained through workshops while also experience the natural surroundings. The economic crises, its traces in society, the transformations of working landscapes are the main cognitive aspects of the 2th Preveza Summer School. The course examines the labor process and illuminates the challenges of the future. How many forms the working landscapes take over time? Is it possible for green economy to coexist with artificial intelligence and civil society? The 2nd Summer School of the University of Ioannina sheds light on the historical processes and the economic crises and gives a new global perspective on the subject. Organizations Department of Logistics and financial studies/Preveza, University of Ioannina. Department of history and Archaeology / University of Ioannina. Department of Economics/University of Ioannina  Department of social studies/Hellenic Open University. More info Link: Email: