40 years of Sarajevo winter fest
The director and founder of the International Festival Sarajevo Winter, Ibrahim Spahić, on the occasion of the realization of the first part of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the SWF, said: "All programs were realized in the spirit of the message of the SWF "Creative, Alternative, Fantastic". I would like to thank the artists, the audience and the media for their exceptional dedication to art and love for Sarajevo. Our inspiration is the life and poetics of the Sarajevo area, and this is the reason that during forty years SWF has never stopped realizing its program, which makes us a unique festival in the world.
The project "Sarajevo, the cultural capital of Europe", which the Avignon Festival and the Sarajevo Winter Festival led under the auspices of UNESCO, VE, the European Parliament and the EC, in cooperation with more than 100 cities and festivals and institutions of Europe and the world, confirmed the importance of unity in diversity culture and creativity of artists.
IPC and SWF. organized an exceptional artistic program of the project "Sarajevo, the First Intercultural City of the Council of Europe", a magical Euro-Mediterranean meeting of X BJCEM in Sarajevo and with Rome and the Canton of Sarajevo, the first international competition for Concert Hall Sarajevo at Marijin dvor. " for the restoration of the values of civil societies and civil solidarity and connection with the values of Europe.
We are proud holders of the highest recognition of the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina - the Sixth of April Award of Sarajevo and international recognitions for our work and presiding over international cultural institutions and forums and the affirmation of heritage and contemporary art. We do everything for the artists of our country and the world to achieve their visions and creative freedom. That is the mission of the Sarajevo Winter Festival," concluded Spahić.