The call A Sea of Words 2022 “Youths in the forefront for Gender Equality”, organised by IEMed with the collaboration of the ALF, is now completed. The result is a collection of 145 Short Stories from 25 different countries.
The participants come from 25 countries, 11 of which are representing the south and east of the Mediterranean (SEM), and the remaining 14 are representatives of European countries. Egypt has undoubtedly been the country with the most participants (40), followed by Algeria with 30 stories. The third place is for Morocco with 17 stories, and it is also worth mentioning the participation of young Syrians, with 12 stories in total. In this regard, the participation of countries in the SEM region (119) considerably exceeds the participation of European countries (29).
If we take into account the gender distribution, the participation of both men and women has been high. However, the number of stories written by men (75) slightly exceeds the number of stories written by women (69).
This edition, like the previous ones, has been a great success. We would like to congratulate the EuroMed youth, who have once again raised their voices to prove that words and literature are powerful tools for action and social transformation.
For more information about this initiative, please click here: