In Tuzla, from November 3rd to 5th, and in accordance with the decisions of the Management Board of the Network from Vitez, the first of the three planned joint activities of the ALF BiH network - ALF Days in Tuzla - was held. During this manifestation, two theatre plays were performed, and a meeting of ALF BiH members from Tuzla and potential new members of the network.
This two-day event was organized by the main office of ALF BiH, DIS Theatre Banja Luka and City Youth Theatre Vitez, and with the support of the Centre for Culture Tuzla, Youth Theatre Tuzla, the City Administration of the City of Tuzla, the Forum of Citizens of Tuzla and the hotel "Miris dunja 88" Tuzla .
Members of ALF BiH actively participated in the event (apart from spectators): Youth resource center (ORC – HoN B&H), DIS Theatre Banja Luka, City Youth Theatre Vitez, Forum Citizens Tuzla, Draft Theatre Tuzla, Magic Factory Tuzla (TFF), and organizations that are not yet members of the network: "Guardians of Smiles" Banja Luka, Youth theatre Tuzla and DIS scena Zvornik.
Total number of active participants of the event: 26. Of these, 13 participants - members of ALF BiH, 13 participants from organizations that are not members of ALF BiH. Number of audiences at the performances – 250. Number of participants in the ALF meeting – 15 (of which 2 participants from organizations that are not members of the ALF BiH)
Friday, November 3, 2023 at 7:30 p.m
In the Hall of the Tuzla Youth theatre, an event was opened and a co-production performance of the DIS theatre Banja Luka and the Vitez City Youth theatre was played - "THE HELLISH STRINGS ".
"Paklene Strune" is a co-production of the City Youth theatre from Vitez and the DIS theatre from Banja Luka, which boldly explores the limits of human and artistic expression.
This contemporary play, authored and directed by Ognjen Bogdanović, is a completely unusual and innovative stage experience. With his imaginative approach and experimental style, Ognjen Bogdanović succeeds in telling a story about the search for truth and understanding human limits. His text strangely interweaves fantastical elements with realistic aspects of reality, creating an atmosphere that allows the audience to explore different emotional and intellectual layers. Through this game of recognition and opposites, Bogdanović raises questions about the essence of human existence and our ability to overcome internal and external obstacles.
This co-production brought special creativity and strength to young creators to present artistic visions, experiments and unconventional ideas and enables the play "Hell's Strings" to be recognized as one of the most innovative theatre works in modern times...
The audience rewarded the actors and crew from Banja Luka and Vitez with warm applause.
Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 12:00 p.m
A working meeting with members of the network and potential new members was held in the premises of the Tuzla Youth Resource Centre (ORC) and the Tuzla Citizens' Forum. The meeting was attended by representatives of the following organizations - members of the network: Tuzla Citizens' Forum, Youth Resource Centre Tuzla, DIS theatre Banja Luka, City Youth theatre Vitez, Magic Factory (TFF) Tuzla, "Keepers of Smiles" Banja Luka (potential new member), and volunteers of the ORC Tuzla youth group.
The meeting was opened by the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of ALF BiH, Novica Bogdanović, and then the coordinator of ALF BiH Miralem Tursinovic informed the attendees about:
- The activities of the ALF BiH network in the past period.
As part of this, they discussed the activities carried out so far and the communication channels that have been launched, on which news, news, information and announcements are published almost daily: (ALF BiH website) (subpage of ALF BiH on the main page of ALF) (fb page of the network) (fb network group)
- ALF activities in general
Within this, the attendees were informed about the current projects and calls of the ALF:
"ALF in motion"
whose aim is to strengthen the mobility of ALF in European and Mediterranean countries. The deadline for sending applications for this fourth call of the year is November 12
“ALF Hands-on”
This is an invitation to hold online workshops and trainings. The application deadlines for this year have expired, but they will probably be repeated in 2024. You will be informed more about this after the meeting of the heads of ALF networks in Istanbul, in December this year.
Network coordinator Miralem Tursinović informed the attendees that in the coming period (December 2023 and March 2024) he will organize two online sessions for ALF BIH members, in which we will help potential applicants for ALF invitations to make and send their applications more easily.
It was emphasized once again that network members should be active in the exchange of information, and support in possible joint activities.
At the end of the meeting, the members of the network were informed that in the coming period (January and March 2024) we plan to hold two more joint online sessions for members of ALF BIH in which we will help potential applicants for ALF calls to make and send their applications more easily.
Members of the network were informed that in the coming period (January and March 2024) we plan to hold two more such joint activities (Days of ALF BiH) in two cities of BiH and that the invitation to members is open.
Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 7:00 p.m
The play "DIS Scene Zvornik" was played on the chamber stage of the Tuzla Youth Centre - "Morning is smarter than night"
The morning is smarter than the night is a play in which the attitude of modern generations towards history and literature is shown, and the work also showed the impact of technology on modern students who, as a result, devote little time to education and monitoring what they do through the educational program.
The play won two awards at the recently concluded Festival of Youth Theatres of RS: the award for the supporting male role of Zlatko Janjić, in the role of Atila, and the special award for humour.
This play is a project of DIS Theatre Banjaluka and Bosnia and Herzegovina Resilience Initiative (BHRI), which is implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
On this occasion, we would like to thank all the participants of the ALF day in Tuzla, everyone who supported us, and the Tuzla audience and all the young people who learned from this event.