Anna Lindh Foundation

ALFinMOTION in Portugal: Mobility for Partnership
On the first round of the ALFinMotion call of 2023, the Portuguese organization Aequalitas’s project application was selected for funding under the ALFinMOTION cross sectoral mobility programme.Its purpose is to create and consolidate partnerships between complementary shores of the Mediterranean* through the co-elaboration of project proposals related to concrete aspects of intercultural dialogue that address specific needs identified at the local, national or regional level to be submitted to national or international donors. The Anna Lindh Foundation prioritises project proposals with innovative approaches and oriented towards youth, gender equality or with social inclusion purposes. With this mobility Aequalitas wants to strengthen the already existing partnership and collaboration between the host organization, Aequalitas, and the hosted organisations, Mediterravenir and the Egyptian association for Youth and Community Development. Throughout 10 days of collaborative work they will elaborate a project proposal together, more specifically an Erasmus+ mobility of young people (more known as Youth Exchange). The idea is to bring a youth worker from each country so they can put their ideas together and elaborate a solid proposal. Click here for more information about the ALFinMOTION programme.