Anna Lindh Foundation

The project ARTinclusive-22 is organised by FSL with the support of the Service national de la jeunesse and the European Solidarity Corps (Erasmus+). #ESC #ErasmusPlus #FSL #theatre #youth #inclusive #Luxembourg 02-19 Oct 2023 Luxembourg EU resident aged 18-28? Passionate about inclusive arts? Apply by 21 Aug 2023:   The aim of the project is to provide young people with diverse perspectives, inspiration, and knowledge on human rights and related subjects, including social inclusion, participation, and diversity. Through the medium of art, particularly theater, cinema, and music, the project seeks to alter attitudes and establish inclusive social platforms for young individuals. PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS Young people from the social/cultural/language minority groups, willing to participate, learn and contribute to this project and the public performances; Young people involved in educational theatre and performance arts, active in working with young people with special needs on promotion of the human rights; Young people interested in developing their competences as promoter of the inclusive theatre; Young people that have willingness to disseminate project results among their organizations, communities and countries; Aged 18-28 (exceptions are possible); Committed to attend the full duration of the project; Are able to work in English.