On February 15, Black Flamingo Publishing presented to the public the work "Limitrophies. Rhymes and Poems" by Zlatomir Zlatanov. The event was opened by Yanitsa Radeva, a representative of the "Pismena" Club at the "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" National Library, Sofia, and Victor Lilov, co-founder of Black Flamingo Publishing. Atanas Igov and Stanimir Panayotov spoke about the book. The publication of "Limitrophies. Poems and Poems" was carried out under the program "Annual session to support creative projects in the field of literature" of the Ministry of Culture. You can see a recording of the event at the link:
Again in February, Black Flamingo Publishing presented contemporary German prose and Austrian drama translated by Borislav Petranov -a theater scholar, a translator, currently the director of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Berlin.
"Sketch of a Summer" - Andre Kubicek
"Beside Myself" - Sasha Marianna Salzmann
"Stern 111" - Lutz Seiler
" Viewing an Accident " - Gert Loschütz
"The Webers" - Felix Mitterer
"In the Lion's Den" - Felix Mitterer
(collection of three plays: "The Boxer", "Into the Lion's Den" and "No Fairer Country")
Anyuta Kacheva – a journalist and a translator talked about the novels and Bogdana Kosturkova- a theater critic talked about the plays.
Attendees had the pleasure of hearing excerpts from the works read by the actors Elena Atanasova, Krasimir Kutsuparov and Yavor Borisov.
The publication of the novels is supported by Traduki, and the publication of the plays by the Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Services and Sport of Austria.
The event was held with the support of Sofia City Art Gallery. You can see a recording of the event at the link: