Anna Lindh Foundation

Call for joint proposals: Members of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania-Morocco-Luxembourg-Lebanon and Denmark
Within the framework of the "Network Engagement Scheme II", the Head of the Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Albania, following the online networking sessions, launches the call for proposals for the implementation of online activities, in the following thematic areas: a) Culture and intercultural dialogue; b) Education & Media c) Euro-Med youth engagement d) Diversity (including gender) The call is exclusively for members of the Networks of Albania, Luxembourg, Morocco, Denmark and Lebanon, and priority will be given to participants who attended the two online networking sessions organized in December by the respective networks. The proposed activities can be: workshops, training, networking events, contests/debates, educational/awareness campaigns, multimedia productions, etc. in each of the above topics. The activities should be implemented online, considering the limited financial support and the component of cooperation between members of different ALF networks. The proposed activities must include as a partner, at least one member of the ALF network in Albania, in cases where the proposal is made by an organization from other countries participating in the networking session, namely Luxembourg, Morocco, Lebanon and Denmark, this to strengthen partnerships between Albania and other countries in the region. The activities will be implemented in the period January – March 15th, 2024. In total, 7 proposals for online and/or hybrid activities will be supported in the four priority areas of this call, and the financial value that will be offered for the winning proposals will be 500 EUR. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of quality and there will be a geographical distribution of collaborating organizations according to the North + South formula: at least one member from the South and one member from the North of the Mediterranean. Deadline to submit proposals: January 17th, 2024, 5:00 p.m CET. Applicants are required to send their applications in the following form:  Announcement of winners: January 19th, 2024 Online meeting with winners: January 22nd, 2024 Implementation: January – March 15th, 2024