Anna Lindh Foundation

Call for Trainers on Intersectional Solidarity by PeaceWorks Sweden
Intersectional Solidarity Network TC2: Call for trainers Are you a trainer who is committed to promoting global justice and international solidarity? Do you want to facilitate the creation of a solidarity network among youth workers? PeaceWorks is looking for 1 experienced trainer to plan and implement a training course in Sweden. This activity is the second part of an Erasmus+ Mobility of Youth Workers involving 8 countries. Dates: Arrival day Wednesday the 20th of March 2024, full day Thursday, departure day Friday 29th of March 2024. Trainers and coordinator will arrive on site the 18th of March to finalise the programme. Location: Färnebo Folkhögskola. Österfärnebo, Sweden. The three main objectives of the project are to: ● Increase knowledge about international solidarity and intersectionality ● Generate a creative tool box for working with social change through informal learning methods ● Create an international solidarity network of youth workers without borders Group size: 35 participants including trainers and coordinator. Number of trainers: 3 (1 will be recruited to this call). Profile of trainers/facilitators: ● Experience in planning, implementing and facilitating activities using non-formal methodologies. ● Fluent in both spoken and written English. ● Expertise in, or knowledge of, core topics of the project such as: intersectionality, global (in)justice, social movements and international solidarity. Responsibilities ● Participate in planning sessions before the training course; the training course has a set framework but may need to be expanded upon and/or altered. ● Facilitate the sessions during the training, this may include; leading sessions, moderating discussions, facilitating exercises. ● Participate in follow-up meetings and evaluations after the training course. ● Participate in and contribute to the dissemination of the project results. Selection process: Interested trainers must submit their application by email to before 18th of January. The application should contain the following: ● A short presentation of your knowledge and previous experiences with the Erasmus+ Youth programme ● A brief overview over your strengths when working as a trainer/facilitator in non-formal education settings ● A summary of your experience as a trainer/facilitator on topics related to global justice and solidarity ● An answer to why you are applying to be a trainer/facilitator for this activity Recruitment is conducted on a rolling basis after the application deadline. Trainer’s fee: €1650, gross sum. The fee includes taking part in the preparation meeting, preparing and implementing the activity and evaluation. Travel costs are reimbursed within the framework of Erasmus+ travel grants and based on distance of travel. Accommodation and food is provided for the duration of the activity and during on-site preparations. If you have any questions related to this call, please don’t hesitate to contact  About the project This project aims to empower and increase participants’ capacities to actively work with systemic approaches to social change. Through interactive exercises, creative and informal learning methods, the training courses will foster critical reflection about the ways in which global power structures are reproduced in local settings and in youth work. A particular focus is given to Theatre of the Oppressed, a method that helps bring to light systemic exploitation and oppression. The second training course of the project will primarily focus on putting theoretical knowledge into practice by together developing frameworks for how to carry out work based on the methods, insights and approaches established in TC1. Description of the organisation PeaceWorks Sweden PeaceWorks Sweden is a non-profit organisation for youth and run by youth. It is a norm-critical platform with the vision of a just and sustainable world in peace, where young people are active actors in society - and where that society is characterised by peace, global justice and solidarity, transcending constructed, national, cultural, social and economic boundaries. PeaceWorks’ work is guided by our organisational themes of global justice, anti-racism and feminism and our activities are consistently grounded in youth activism and principles of non-violence. We actively work to realise our goal of being a platform for young people’s involvement in, and commitment to, peace and sustainable development.  


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