Anna Lindh Foundation

Capacity Building Workshop Series: Crisis Management for Trainers and Youth Workers
The Anna Lindh Foundation Cyprus Network is organising a series of capacity building workshops for network members. This will be the third workshop of the series and will address the issue of crisis management for trainers and youth workers. About the workshop: Working in the field of adult learning, and especially working with young adults, means that you have to deal with people with different backgrounds, needs and motives. Thus, it is not so uncommon to come up with a small –or big- crisis during a training activity, a seminar, or a workshop. Such crises may include negativity, resistance, or even aggression from some participants, offensive comments and hate speech, as well as anxiety symptoms and stress crisis. No matter how good you are at what you are doing, and no matter how experienced and well-prepared you are, there is always room for improvement when it comes to crisis management skills. Especially after the outburst of COVID-19 and the adoption of alternative ways of training, new challenges have arisen, that need to be addressed. Therefore, why don’t you take up this opportunity and participate in an experiential workshop, during which you will exchange good practices and gain new skills? The workshop aims at offering adult trainers and youth workers the opportunity to learn what crisis management is and how they can enhance their corresponding skills and capacities. The character of the workshop is experiential, and the participants will be encouraged to share their experiences, knowledge and skills, and exchange ideas and suggestions for addressing possible types of crisis that may occur during a training activity, a seminar, or a workshop. Special emphasis will be given to the effect of COVID-19 on people’s everyday behaviour and motivation to attend a seminar or a workshop, and, consequently, on the possible types of crisis that are likely to arise during an online activity. Furthermore, the participants will learn useful tips and receive advice on the recognition of a crisis, the steps that they should follow in order to deal with it, and the lessons that they can learn and let others learn from it. The workshop will be led by Glykeria Kalamata. Register here:  Deadline for registrations: 22nd of April