Anna Lindh Foundation

BACKGROUND In 1995, the Barcelona Process laid down the foundations for a regional collaboration in the Euro-Med region and the establishment of the Anna Lindh Foundation to promote intercultural dialogue between the nations of the North and South of the Mediterranean. The Barcelona Declaration set the framework for a new regional relationship, aiming at achieving peace, stability and growth in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. It covers political, economic and social cooperation and represents a turning point in Euro-Mediterranean collaboration. Where do we stand now after nearly 25 years from the launch of the pillars of the Euro-Med partnership? In the North shore of the Mediterranean, we are facing urgent challenges such as the rise of right populist movements, racism and hate speech. In the South shore, the setback of the "Arab Spring" and democratic movements have challenged an entire generation of youth and women rights advocates. In fact, both shores are facing common challenges such as climate change, violent extremism, democratic governance and economic (de)growth. For the third year, the Swedish network is inviting members and alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the 42 Euro-Med countries to participate in an online forum of solidarity and sharing of good practices on how to build inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities especially in post pandemic societies.  The forum is a networking and learning platform for ALF network members from the Euro-Med region. We want to support civil society activists to connect and build partnerships with their peers, exchange stories, learn from each other and dream together about the future of the Euro-Mediterranean region. FORMAT The virtual forum will be participative and interactive, allowing participants to introduce themselves, share their contexts and initiatives, and have a collective conversation on their dream for the future of the Euro-Mediterranean Region. Throughout the sessions, participants will work in a participatory format. This will allow the different knowledge and perspectives of participants to blend, resulting to new collective intelligence. PROGRAMME DAY 1 - Tuesday 24 November 09.30 - 12.00 (Stockholm time) 9:30 Welcome and introduction round  10:15 Collective Intercultural Conversation - World Cafe  11:30 Break 11:45 Sharing from break-out rooms in a plenary  11:55 Check-out 12:00 Close DAY 2 - Wednesday 25 November 09.30 - 12.00 (Stockholm time) 9:30 Welcome and reflection from the day before 9:55 Sharing Euro-Med Initiatives on building inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities  11:00 Break 11:15 Barcelona Process +50  11:50 Check-out  12:00 Closing REGISTRATION Civil society members and alumni of ALF activities are welcome to apply here by 18 November. You need to register to get the Zoom link to the event. We will notify participants 20 November at the latest.    FACILITATORS Maria Scordialos  Maria’s work focuses on creating participatory processes that invite people from all backgrounds to have conversations that matter. She designs gatherings, trainings, and longer-term initiatives that provide the opportunity for public engagement, organisational development, systemic change with longterm impact. Dimitris Stratakos Dimitris is a Participatory Process Facilitator, co-founding member of AoHAthina. Since 2015, he has been an active Art of participatory Leadership practitioner.  ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ An initiative of the National Museums of World Culture (Sweden) in partnership with Centre for Cultural nd General Studies Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany), Finnish Institute in the Middle East (Finland) and the Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO. With the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  For queries, please write to ALF Swedish coordinator