For the third year, the Swedish network organised Celebrating Our Diversity forum on 24-25 November 2020 (via Zoom). The Forum brought together more than 60 members and alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation in the 42 Euro-Med countries. The German network as well as the Finnish and the Lebanese networks were partners in this initiative of the Swedish network. 13 members of the German network participated actively in the inspiring online event that was facilitated by Maria Scordialos and Rasha Shaaban.
The programme included a world cafe round and reflections on "what did I learn about myself and my work during the pandemic?". We shared opportunities and challenges of our intercultural dialogue working during the pandemic times, and we concluded with sharing our dreams for the Euro-Med region in 2045 (Barcelona+50). Participants exchanged good practices on how to build inclusive, sustainable and intercultural cities especially in post pandemic societies. Dimitrios Cavouras from the Anna Lindh Foundation gave a presentation on the ALF networks work.
The next edition of the forum is scheduled to take place in Germany in 2021.