Anna Lindh Foundation

Centre for Intercultural Dialogue - Luxembourg
Young International Academics, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions Postdoctoral Programme, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Deadlines: 30 November 2023 (first call ) and 30 April 2024 (second call).  The Young International Academics (YIA) Postdoctoral Programme is a career development programme hosted by the Institute for Advanced Studies Luxembourg (IAS) of the University of Luxembourg (UL) to nurture early-career postdoctoral researchers to gain momentum in interdisciplinary research. YIA candidates are international talents holding a recent doctoral degree and willing to propose and realise their own interdisciplinary research projects through a bottom-up approach. YIA will welcome 10 postdoctoral fellows with individual fellowships of 36 months each. YIA is explicitly open to all disciplines and sectors, involving the entire university in the drive towards increased interdisciplinarity, which is considered strategic for UL, for the country and Europe. The University’s rationale is based on the consideration that the world’s challenges are so multifaceted and intricate that they can only be solved through interdisciplinary and intersectoral approaches. A unique aspect of YIA is its integration into UL’s Institute for Advanced Studies created in 2020 to promote interdisciplinarity and currently hosting 15 Audacity projects and 10 Young Academics PhD projects.