Contemporary dance and live music encounter "WE" by Caféturc Music & Arts at 10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023 with the support of Anna Lindh Foundation
12 Jul 2023, 21:00, Evanthia Kairi Theatre, Syros Island, Greece
The non-profit organisation Akropoditi based in Syros island, member of the ALF National Civil Society Networks hosts the Contemporary dance performance with live music “WE”. Thanks to the mobility grant by Anna Lindh Foundation, Bedirhan Dehmen will present his masterpiece "WE" in the International Dance and Performing Arts Festival - Akropoditi DanceFest 2023 that celebrates its 10th year.
“WE” draws inspiration from Anatolian esoterism on one hand, and from contemporary philosophy on the other hand, questioning the concepts of “unity in multitude”, “empathy”, “universal ethics”.
In “we”, three male dancers in the performance space alternately move through a series of trio movement forms in close and constant physical contact, dual action dialogues, and moments of individual outbursts of energy. They dig deep into their memories and bodies striving to explore what binds us together. They tirelessly search for unity in multiplicity while re-enacting and re-staging their experiences of communion and conflict, tenderness and violence, strength and vulnerability, and trauma and healing along the way.
* Open discussion and Q&A with the contributors and the audience will follow.
10th International Dance and Performing Arts Festival in Syros Island
10th Akropoditi DanceFest 2023
above & beyond limits
July, 08-21 2023
Ticket presale for the performances of the Festival can be purchased be the electronic service