
Anna Lindh Foundation

DEVOTE: the platform for the inclusion of migrants in formal and informal education
DEVOTEd to you: DEVOTE is an online platform to enhance your skills and learn from teachers and educators all over Europe - and beyond The DEVOTE project - Developing Competencies of Teachers to Integrate Students with Migrant Backgrounds (2020-1-FR01-KA201-079762) is a 24-month project co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA2 Programme. It aims to strengthen the integration of students with migrant backgrounds in schools and improve their success in education by providing training, coaching and guidance to teachers equipping school leaders and educators with the necessary skills and innovative tools to support secondary school students in the process, strengthening collaboration between schools, families and other external stakeholders. We are proud to present you the results of this two-year long experience: our Open Online Course and Community of Educators focusing on the inclusion of students with migrant backgrounds in schools are ready for you to experience them! In these two years, our partnership had the chance to visit each other in all the target countries of the project, meeting and learning from our organisations and the different context where we have developed the contents of our platform. Throughout the project, we have assessed that teachers and educators need further supports in improving their skills to better respond to the needs of students with migrant backgrounds, and for this reasons we think it would be really important to keep working on it.