Anna Lindh Foundation

Documentaries about social issues as educational tools
In the framework of the Magic Frame project, Dutch, Lithuanian, and Bulgarian partners are contemplating how to make a documentary film. Through film as a medium they hopt to explore pressing social issues. They also hope to ingrain film part of the education system and find ways how to introduce film method to teachers and students. This semester, documentary film screenings are running in these 4 countries in parallel. In Hungary we are working on the theme of becoming adults with the film Dívák / Divas  at the Kürt Alapítványi Gimnázium School in collaboration with the Cromo Alapítvány - Cromo Foundation and Palantír Film Alapítvány / DocuArt mozi. The first lesson was an experience! In the improvisation lesson with students aged 14-18 together we created living sculptures and expressed with great irony what they think about growing up and what makes someone an adult.  The project is co-founded by the European Union. Partners in the challenge are: @DocuArtMozi @Association Civil Society Initiatives (BG) @ Jaunimo Centras Babilonas (LT) @Changes & Chances (NL), @Cromo Alapítvány - Cromo Foundation (HU), @Professional school of veterinary medicine " Prof. dr. Dimitar Dimov" (BG), @Kürt Alapítványi Gimnázium (HU), @Nepatogus Kinas (LT) @SKVR (NL),