Interfaith dialogue is a key thematic approach in the Irish ALF network. Read the latest update from our network member in their June bulletin:
In Dublin’s North-East Inner-City, the Dublin City Interfaith Forum (DCIF) is making a real difference by fostering understanding and unity among diverse religious communities. As our neighborhood grows more diverse, DCIF’s efforts, like the “Safe Haven” programme, are crucial in fighting racism and bringing people together. Discover more about the vibrant changes in our community and the important work DCIF is doing here in a published online article available on the Jesuit Centre for Faith and Justice website.
Below is a short excerpt but you can read the full article here
"In the space of the last two decades, the fabric of Irish society has changed profoundly. But it would be a mistake to think that change itself is new.
If we go back a generation, we quickly recall that at that point Irish was in flux. According to the 2006 Census, Ireland’s population then comprised about 10% of non-nationals. Whilst this was not significantly different from our European neighbours, the pace of this change certainly was and is near unique in modern peace-time history. Other countries have faced a much more gradual change in their cultural mix, they had much more time to gradually test the waters. Ireland has been subjected to a somewhat more sudden immersion in the deep end of multiculturalism. A direct consequence of this demographic change is the surge of many religious groups. One of the most innovative and dramatic
changes in the Irish religious landscape is the birth and spread of immigrant-led religious groups.
Today, the number of people living in Ireland who were not born here has grown from 466,000 in 2006 to 757,000 in 2023. The North-East Inner-City of Dublin has undergone even more significant demographic shifts in recent years, leading to an even greater intensification of the diversity of its religious landscape. These changes have significant implications for community cohesion and integration, and they underline the importance of interfaith dialogue and engagement in the area. Informed by the social data and community initiatives, this essay aims to shed light on the evolving religious dynamics in the area and the role of the Dublin City Interfaith Forum (DCIF) in fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse religious groups."