Every active citizen of the region is still invited to take part in the storytelling project “We are still here! EuroMed Citizen Reporters”, that was launched by the ALF President Elisabeth Guigou on the occasion of the ALF activities during the German EU Presidency. ZAK, as coordinator of the German network of Anna Lindh Foundation, runs this project in cooperation with the Candid Foundation, with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office. With this video project, ZAK aims to give citizens of the EuroMed region the opportunity to take part in a citizen journalist campaign by sharing voices and views in the current situation of Covid-19. One central element of the project is the future prospect for challenges and opportunities for civil society during and after the pandemic by showcasing small “utopias”, local initiatives that give hope. The released videos can be watched on the website: https://www.euromedcitizenreporters.org. If you want your voice to be heard in this context, please send an email to alf-koordination@zak.kit.edu.