Anna Lindh Foundation

EuroMeSCo Launches the Survey “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean”
The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) within the framework of the project “EuroMeSCo Connecting the dots” is launching the survey “Towards more social justice and inclusiveness in the Mediterranean” to reflect on the social dimension of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and on inclusiveness in Southern Mediterranean Countries (SMCs). The survey targets respondents from the EU and Southern Mediterranean Countries, including policymakers, experts, and civil society representatives to put forward priorities related to the cooperation between the EU and SMCs on these social aspects, paving the way for an evidence-driven approach for an inclusive debate on the New Agenda for the Mediterranean and its different components. The Euromed Survey 2022 is open for participation until the 17th of October, 2022.  Building fairer and more inclusive societies by fostering social and labour rights, reducing inequalities, and seizing the opportunities of green and digital transitions are seen as Euro-Mediterranean priorities, particularly in the context of recent crises, which have exacerbated social and economic vulnerabilities in the Mediterranean region. The Euromed Survey invites you to reflect on the social dimension of Euro-Mediterranean relations and how inclusiveness can be promoted. Based on priority areas of action of the New Agenda for the Mediterranean, it explores the potential of the digital and green transitions in terms of inclusive socio-economic development. It looks into cooperation priorities for sustainable job creation and how the social economy can be strengthened. The survey analyses the obstacles for advancing women’s rights in Southern Mediterranean countries as well as youth’s active participation and examines priorities for good governance. Have your say on how the EU should foster its partnership with Mediterranean countries to build fairer and more inclusive societies! This online survey is open until 17 October. Participate now through this link!