Anna Lindh Foundation

European Heritage Hub
Europa Nostra and a group of relevant partners in which the Centro Nacional de Cultura (National Culture Center) is included have been selected for funding from the European Union for the implementation of a pilot project establishing a European Heritage Hub. This ambitious project, which will run until Spring 2025, will bring together diverse expertise and resources to mobilize and strengthen the cultural heritage movement in Europe, supporting heritage professionals and volunteers in sharing and acquiring the knowledge needed to strengthen their resilience and help them adapt to the triple transformation of our society - digital, environmental and social.  The project will connect the networks of all partners through innovative tools and creative advocacy and outreach campaigns. Ultimately, it will reach out to citizens at large, with a particular focus on empowering and engaging the younger generation of students and heritage professionals to continue the legacies of both. It will build on the legacies of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and the European Year of Youth 2022 and contribute to the European Year of Skills in 2023. The CNC, in collaboration with the Lisbon City Council, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage, associated partners of the project, will be responsible for the implementation of a Cultural Heritage Hub in Lisbon. The National Culture Center is a cultural association of public utility created on the 13th of May 1945 by a group of monarchists and Catholics opposed to the regime. It was conceived as a "club of intellectuals" for the debate of ideas with the aim of "defending a free culture". In the 21st century, the CNC reinforces its identity matrix, valuing historical memory, promoting contemporary creation and strengthening the debate on culture and active citizenship. Click here for more information.