
Anna Lindh Foundation

Fundraising and Financial Sustainability Workshop
The Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO and RPS (Research and Professional Services) organized a 2-day training workshop for 10 members of the Lebanese Network, on May 9-10, at the Citea Apartment Hotel in Beirut. The training program, delivered by RPS founding partner Mr. Afif Tabsh, was designed to address the critical needs of NGOs in Lebanon, focusing on the best practices in fundraising and financial sustainability and aiming at enhancing the participants’ knowledge and practical skills. It covered fundraising basics, strategic planning, donor engagement, cost optimization, fundraising strategies, and digital marketing. Despite being a pilot initiative with limited slots, the success of the training has paved the way for future similar endeavors. Recognizing the interest and demand from other network members, the Head of Network envisions a series of similar trainings in the upcoming ALF NES cycles, in order to benefit a larger number of participants.