Anna Lindh Foundation

GDANSK SOLO DANCE CONTEST 2023 The contest was organized by EurAsia Partner Gdansk Festwal Tanca, with Stefano Fardelli as the host and the EurAsia Artistic Director playing a significant role in selecting participants. They were organizing a dance contest, and each year, one EurAsia Dancer is selected by Stefano Fardelli to participate in the event. The selected dancer joins participants from around the world to showcase their talents. The contest was scheduled to take place from September 4th to 8th at Klub Żak, Gdańsk, Poland. The purpose of organizing the contest was to provide a platform for talented dancers from different parts of the world to showcase their skills and creativity. Additionally, it served as an opportunity to promote cultural exchange and collaboration in the field of dance. The selection of a dancer from the EurAsia network demonstrated their commitment to supporting and showcasing talent within their network. To participate in the forum, interested individuals could visit the official website or contact the organizers,  for details on registration, and participation guidelines.