Anna Lindh Foundation

Generations for Peace Jordan continues its support to women & youth in partnership with IRC and other Jordanian Ministries
Generations For Peace (GFP) Jordan and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) have established a new partnership under the “Provision of sustainable health and protection services to refugees and vulnerable host communities in Jordan” Programme, in strategic partnership with the Ministry of Youth (MoY) and Ministry of Education (MoE) in August 2023. For its role in the two-year Programme, GFP will implement a series of trainings, activities, and awareness sessions to MoY staff and MoE teachers, youth volunteers, adolescents, and mothers, at youth centers and schools in Ajloun and Al Ghour.  Integrating its Sport and Arts For Peace curriculum with IRC’s Women Protection and Empowerment (WPE) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) interventions, GFP will provide support to 2,040 Syrian and Jordanian beneficiaries, particularly women and girls in host communities, to enhance their safety, protection and access to support.  The “Provision of sustainable health and protection services to refugees and vulnerable host communities in Jordan” Programme, implemented by IRC and partners, integrates health services to improve community access to Non-Communicable Diseases and secondary obstetric health services to ensure that women and girls are safe and receive support. These activities will reach 33,994 direct beneficiaries, including women, girls, men, and others at risk of Gender-Based violence (GBV) and survivors of GBV.