
Anna Lindh Foundation

German coordinator as panelist in EuroMed Civil Society Dialogues
The first Euro-Med Civil Society Dialogue Webinar organised by the Center for International and European Studies (CIES) took place on 22 December with the participaton of Caroline Y. Robertson-von Trotha from ZAK | Centre for Cultural and General Studies at KIT, Karlsruhe. The conversation with the Anna Lindh Foundation Heads of Network and coordinators from Germany, Lebanon, Tunisia, and Greece revolved around the state of Civil Society in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. The session was moderated by Dimitris Triantaphyllou from the Center for International and European Studies (CIES), Kadir Has University, with the participation of the panelists: -- Zeina El-Hage, Lebanese National Commission for UNESCO (LNCU), Beirut -- Anis Boufrikha, We Love Sousse, Tunis -- Stefanos Vallianatos, Hellenic Foundation for Culture, Athens. The Webinar's video can be watched here.