Anna Lindh Foundation

How come gender is still an issue in 2024? by ProQvi from Sweden
Small steps for gender equality shall never be underestimated! The Swedish network member, ProQvi received support from the Anna Lindh Foundation ALFinMotion mobility programme for their project "How come gender is still an issue in 2024?". For a whole month, a group of gender issues specialists and activists from Sweden, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt have been working together on trying to disclose the most intricate and burning issues of everyday's problematic struggle for gender equality and identity issues. Under the lead of international association for women and youth ProQvi, two phases took place: 1) Internal research and cooperation where participants learnt from each other about work in non-profit sector in respective countries, diversity discourse and challenges of representation and together established new contacts and routines,  2) the Gender Festival, a 10 days long public activity full of study visits, deep discussions, music, arts and handcrafts workshops, film nights and games eves,  and of course food and recipes exchange, with a collaborative art project Small Steps Are Different for Everyone. Between 11.00 and 21.00 every day, the activities of the festival took place in various locations around the city of Helsingborg and surroundings: Svalöv, Landskrona, Ekeby, Munka Ljungby. The main festival locations was social initiatives incubator Project Pocket in Helsingborg, where daily coffee talks and evening sum-ups and reflections took place, also many of the workshops, and Dunkers culture house. All activities were run in person, no hybrid events were planned or conducted. As the result of the project, a common initiative was formed under name RIDDLE: "In right direction, little step is big enough", with a vision of development of safe environment for gender issues discourse development, across Mediterranean region. For more information please feel free to contact us directly at