
Anna Lindh Foundation

Intercultural Dialogue- A path to peace
Vis-à-vis The Anna Lindh Report on Intercultural Trends, Head of Network of the ALF Turkey hosted the webinar titled “Intercultural Dialogue- A Path to Peace''. The webinar was tailored to explicitly focus on how youth involvement and active participation in international mobility projects can further foster intercultural dialogue. The latter often seen, among other things, as a potential premise for a safe path to peace. The webinar was interactive and the focus of the thematic was also substantiated by the living experiences of young participants. The Webinar, held by Ms. Esmeralda Kashari, representative of System and Generation Association and backstopping member of the Anna Lindh Foundation, aimed at analyzing the concept of Intercultural Dialogue, and its fundamental role in preventing ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural clashes that may lead to convoluted conflicts. During her analysis, Ms. Kashari explained in detail how, on the other hand, intercultural skills can enable communities to move forward together, to deal with different identities constructively and democratically on the basis of shared universal values. Watch the video of the event at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acn5SwS97vA