Can arts and culture help to develop, protect and promote democratic values and processes?
Democracy does not exist. WE MAKE IT! Join us in the second morning coffee discussion with three artists from Sweden, Italy, and Slovenia/Jordan on the International Day of Democracy. This is a chance to meet colleagues in the ALF Networks and beyond who share similar concerns and to be part of a wide-ranging discussion about the role of arts and creative industries in safeguarding and sustaining democracy.
Our guest Speakers on International Day of Democracy are: Sophia Alexandersson (ShareMusic, Sweden), Micaela Casalboni, (Teatro dell’Argine, Italy) and Samar Zughool, (Povod, Slovenia)
The Morning Coffee is moderated by Denise L Mellion, River of Light (Gothenburg) and ALF Swedish network advisory committee member.
When: 15 September at 08.45 - 09.45 CET (09.45 - 10.45 Helsinki/Beirut time)
Language: English
Open to Anna Lindh Foundation network members and beyond.
Sign up to receive the Zoom link.
More information, please contact the Swedish network coordinator Rasha Shaaban
Organised thanks to the support of the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the ALF Swedish network