
Anna Lindh Foundation

International Call for solutions journalism stories
Our partners from an international project Transitions (Czech Republicis) are announcing a call for microgrants for journalists interested in developing solutions journalism stories from Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to financial support, they are offering mentoring during the entire production of the article to achieve the highest possible quality. For more information regarding submitting your solutions journalism pitches and applying for the microgrant, please see the call for application on this page: https://transitionsmedia.org/2023/07/05/international-call-for-pitches/?utm_source=Solutions+Journalism+Newsletter+EN&utm_campaign=af83498ea0-sj-newsletter7&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_c74d90fa72-af83498ea0-298540153&ct=t(sj-newsletter7)&mc_cid=af83498ea0&mc_eid=296aca84fd