
Anna Lindh Foundation

International Conference "Contemporary problems of contemporary children: from cyberbullying to self-harm"
VšĮ EDUKACINIAI PROJEKTAI invites all specialists working with youth (teachers, social workers, youth workers, educational support professionals, representatives of parents' organizations, and others) to participate in the conference Contemporary problems of contemporary children: from cyberbullying to self-harm, which will be held in Šiauliai (Lithuania) on the 31st of March, 2023. From this conference you can expect: Presentations on adolescent mental health, addictions, bullying, and other topics; Local and international experiences of (cyber)bullying and hate speech prevention; Practical workshops to test some methods; The most innovative methods of overcoming contemporary issues: VR, mobile apps, serious games, etc. Each participant has to register for the conference and for two different workshops. Registration to the conference (registration form in Lithuanian): shorturl.at/lyF07 Registration for the first workshop (14:00-15:00) (registration form in Lithuanian): shorturl.at/goyF1 Registration for the second workshop (15:00-16:00) (registration form form in Lithuanian): shorturl.at/mqF02 The conference will take place LIVE at the following address: Draugystės pr. 25, Šiauliai (Restaurant "Žemaitis") and participants will get certificates of attendance. Participation is free of charge.