Anna Lindh Foundation

International Summer Camp for Children byTEATRIUKAS
We all are dancers and musicians by nature, thank you for the inspiring creative laboratory Petras Lisauskas 😘 In the afternoons - the workshops with Icelander Agnar Jón Egilsson, whose sessions, in the words of the children, "you can just be yourself". 😘 The finale day was crowned by a theater procession, ice cream (how can we do without it when 3 Nordic countries are participating!) and @TEATER TAPIR's Finnish theater with the play SPLUTTNI TONK! Thanks to writer, illustrator @LindaBondestam and Co! 😘😘😘😘 We would like to thank all the 40 children from small vilages such as Videniškiai, Giedraičiai, Dubingiai who participated, for being safe and receptive, and their parents for being benevolent and forgiving of problems😘 Our partners - Videniškiai Community Center, Dubingių Eldership, Giedraičių Antanas Jaroševičius Gymnasium😘 We laughed out of kindness, out of fatigue, out of overheating, and out of happiness, realizing the privilege of living safely and fully, in the wonderful nature of Dubingiai land, having so many friends and support to raise the creators of the future. 😇 Thanks to the office of the Nordic Council of Ministers in Lithuania for these opportunities and Brigita Urmanaitė for the visit😘  


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