Anna Lindh Foundation

International Youth Day 2023 in Karlovo
"Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley" NGO, Karlovo, which is part of the National Network Anna Lindh Bulgaria, celebrated International Youth Day 2023 with a sports celebration of friendship and solidarity on August 11, 2023 at the stadium in Karlovo. For the fifth year, the young volunteers of the "Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley" NGO, welcome their French friends from the "Europ'Raid" tour, who come to the city in Peugeot 205 cars, loaded with tons of donations of stationery and school supplies and materials for the children and youth of the Municipality Karlovo. Over 200 children and young people from Karlovo, Kliment and France played sports, played football and had fun at the stadium. This year's event was titled "Choose sports and a healthy lifestyle." The French youth arrive in teams of three participants in 50-60 "Peugeot 205" cars, and during the year each team has a commitment to find sponsors for the tour and provide 100 kilograms of materials for the donation. Although they travel thousands of kilometers in their small cars crammed with boxes and materials, sleep under the open sky in tent camps and bathe in open water pools, the French youth always enthusiastically join the games with the local children and youth, driven by national ideals of France for Liberty, Solidarity, Equality and Fraternity. The local youth will distribute the donation to the children and young people of Karlovo Municipality.