Anna Lindh Foundation

International Youth Day 2023
The EPEKA association organized the event the day before the official date of the International Youth Day. The event was held on Maribor Island (Mariborski otok), which belongs to Natura 2000; nature conservation network of the European Union and one of the world's largest protected areas. In 1999, the United Nations declared August 12 as International Youth Day and devoted it to discussing various issues related to young people and to reminding them of their important role in society. This year's theme of International Youth Day is Green knowledge for young people: On the way to a sustainable world, and in the EPEKA Association,  this year's event was named "Green knowledge for young people: On the way to a sustainable world". “Today, the world is embarking on the path of the green transition. The transition to an environmentally sustainable and climate-friendly world is not only crucial for responding to the global climate crisis, but also for achieving the goals of sustainable development. A successful transition to a greener world will depend on the development of green knowledge and skills of the population. Green skills are knowledge, abilities, values and attitudes that are necessary for living in a sustainable and resource-efficient society, its development and support.” Read more.