Anna Lindh Foundation

Leaders of Change - Training opportunity
Leaders of Change (LoC) is organised by two Anna Lindh Foundation members: Egyesek Youth Association form Hungary and INEX Association, Czech Republci. It is an 8 days training course for those leading either groups or volunteers, who want to improve their performance, based upon the principles of self-awareness, resourcefulness, and accountability. The main methodology used will be personal development and self-reflection, which means that we will be focusing mainly on your mindset/attitudes rather than providing you practical skills or models. The training course will take place in Hollókő, Hungary, from 6th to 15th November 2023 (travel days included).  It is for you if you… are planning to lead a project or a workcamp in 2023/24 and ideally have been to or are planning to go to regular skills-oriented project or workcamp leaders trainings, have ideally participated in at least one workcamp as participants, previous experiences with leading a workcamp or other type of project are welcome, but not required, are at least 18 years old and can communicate in English, are willing to work on their personal and professional development, are able to participate fully in the programme from the beginning till the end. Applications until the 30th of september! See the info kit here: