Anna Lindh Foundation

Learning Together: first three online workshops organised by members of the German network in 2020 concluded
In the spirit of further promoting the cooperation, expert knowledge and learning exchange initiatives of ALF members, the German network started a new series of interactive online workshops organised by members of the German ALF network for all members of the ALF. The first part of the series was successfully concluded in 2020 with: The Tension between Intangible Cultural Heritage and Superdiversity of Urban Spaces Birgit Ellinghaus (alba KULTUR) Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 (5pm- 7p.m. CET) In her workshop, Brigit Ellinghaus covered four aspects: the importance of intangible cultural heritage for the ALF as an institution of intercultural dialogue; urban spaces as places of migration and cultural diversity; urban traditions as a paradoxical construction; and networking in super-diverse contexts.   Diversity Management in Times of New Work – Opportunities and Challenges Fabian Pianka (Deutsche Welle) Thursday, September 10th, 2020 (5pm- 7p.m. CET) During this two-hour workshop Fabian Pianka introduced initiatives for an efficient Diversity Management strategy and discuss the do’s and don’ts of diversity and inclusion in times of New Work realities in an interactive part of the workshop with the participants.   Presentation of the Network "Integration through Qualification (IQ)" and transnational activities Anne Gueller-Frey (Tür an Tür Integrationsprojekte gGmbH) Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 (5pm- 7p.m. CET) The topic of the workshop focused on the integration of people with a migration background who hold professional qualifications or other valuable credentials that are not recognized in Germany. In this regard, Anne Gueller-Frey presented the Network “Integration through Qualification” (IQ), which works on improving employment opportunities for people with a migration background in Germany. The Network IQ works also on transnational activities together with European and international partners. Picture: Ahkka /   The series will be continued in 2021. Please follow us on ZAK | Research - Anna Lindh Foundation ( and on facebook.