
Anna Lindh Foundation

"Light in the crisis: creation of programs for the development of legal culture, communication skills and conflict resolution for children, youth and families"
Another wonderful news about a project that is implemented in cooperation between two organizations that are members of the National Network Anna Lindh Bulgaria. Association Center for Dispute Resolution and Municipal Cultural Institute, Scientific and Educational Children's Center Muzeiko launched the project "Light in the crisis: creation of programs for the development of legal culture, communication skills and conflict resolution for children, youth and families" with the support of the Sofia Municipality - Europe 2024 Program The project "Light in the crisis: creating programs for the development of legal culture, communication skills and conflict resolution for children, youth and families" is an initiative implemented with the financial support of the Municipality of Sofia under the Europe 2024 Program, and aims to develop and implement innovative educational programs to enhance legal literacy, communication skills, and conflict resolution abilities among children, youth, and families. The project is implemented by the Association Center for Dispute Resolution in partnership with the Scientific and Educational Children's Center Muzeiko. The main goal of the project is to increase the interest and commitment of families and young people to Muzeiko, while at the same time to strengthen the management capacity of the organization by applying good European practices. These practices are aimed at protecting children's rights and reducing aggression. The project, whose implementation period is from August 21 to November 15 2024, proposes a number of activities, including training of educational specialists, development of an educational program for children and young people, creation of online resources and sections on the Muzeiko website, as well as organizing events and presentations for parents and the public. Expected results include raising awareness of children's rights, developing communication skills and reducing conflicts among young people, as well as creating lasting partnerships between Muzeiko and the capital's schools. The project is oriented towards creating a better and healthy environment for children's development, as well as promoting the role of Muzeiko as a leader in the field of children's education and culture.