Anna Lindh Foundation

L'ora alternativa - The Alternative Hour Project
When we talk about the second generation and the participation of people from immigrant backgrounds, the perspective too often remains external, partial, and there is a strong risk of stereotypes and extremes of thought being expressed. The story of the web series "L'ora alternativa" - The Alternative Hour, produced in Italy, focuses not on the background of the characters but on the participants themselves. That is why we decided to entrust the entire project to a team of professionals with an immigrant background, who know these events, have lived them and were able to bring to life a story without borders, in which the characters are boys and girls from all over the world who can identify with the characters and feel less alone in their situation, on a delicate path of growth and self-discovery.  #ShapeTheSocietyWeWant   Watch the full series here:   The series is offered by our member, the Artemisszió Foundation: