At the 23rd meeting of the German ALF Network (June 20, 2022, 2 to 4 p.m. online), the focus was on projects of ALF civil society member organizations whose activities respond to the war in Ukraine. For this meeting we could invite Marko Boyko* from the Polish organization LOGOS and Martin Rozumek from Organization for Aid to Refugees from Czech Republic, whose organizations are important contact points for refugees from Ukraine and gave insight into refugees aid projects in Poznań and Prague.
This meeting thus continued the discussion format that was first introduced in September 2021: A get-together with international guests from one of the ALF member states, who report from a civil society perspective on a particular (political) situation in their country and discuss it with the members.
We are pleased to announce that four member organizations of the German network have given an insight into currently running projects and programs:
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) – Cross Culture Programme
Transnational Corridors e. V. – The African-German Working Community (A.G.W.C.)
Tür an Tür Integrationsprojekte gGmbH – Diversity Management
Kreisau-Initiative e.V. – (Hi)Stories of stolen children during World War II
*Marko Boyko was also one of the EuroMed Citizen Report's who tells in this video how his organization LOGOS responded to the impact of the pandemic.