Anna Lindh Foundation

Mobility of youth workers
Association "International Initiatives for Cooperation" (IIC), Bulgaria will implement an international training course which will be mobility of youth workers. The project will be implemented in Bansko, Bulgaria for the period from 25 to 30 August 2023. Here is some more information about the project. Project BRIDGES "Building Relevant Intercultural Dialogue and Generating Effective Skills is mobility for youth workers, in the development of which the goals of the "Erasmus+" program for the new program period 2021-2027 are fully embedded. Through the activities set out in the project, youth workers will be given the opportunity for professional development, through non formal education and to acquire new skills to be Dialogators in their communities. Through the acquired new skills, the youth workers will also increase the quality of the activities and initiatives offered by their sending organizations at the national, regional and international level. Better quality projects will be able to be developed. The main objectives of the project are: Тo enable active youth workers and leaders to refresh and upgrade their skills in providing non formal education to young people; To create an active community of youth workers who will be trained as Dialogators through a specially developed training methodology; To invest in the professional development of youth workers by getting to know the role, skills and duties of the Dialogators. IIC Bulgaria will implement the project with organisation from: Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkey and Spain. If you are from one of those countries can apply for the project by filling application form which you will find here: