On the 18th of December GEYC went to the Technology High School 'Dimitrie Gusti' to explore how young people view different places from Bucharest in a more sustainable, beautiful and inclusive way!

Together with our ESC and ALF Romania volunteers, we facilitated a workshop that focused on developing the creativity of young people, through non-formal education methods
In this way, we co-created different models for different spaces in Bucharest, based on the NEB Concepts: sustainable, beautiful and inclusive.

This workshop was held under the umbrella of the project “New European Bauhaus in Urban and ruraL Areas” (NEBULA) that aims to stimulate the creative spirit and entrepreneurship of young people in order to make them actors of the New European Bauhaus, which aims to be the practical conversion of the Green Deal, making cities and rural peripheries places to live and enjoy also from a cultural and social point of view. Funded by: Erasmus+ KA220 Partnerships for Cooperation and Anna Lindh Foundation Romania.
Project ID: 2022-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000096306