Anna Lindh Foundation

Night of Culture by Theatre, Music and Cinema museum
On the "Night of Culture" our museum invited us to an unusual opening of the exhibition. 6 p.m. the exhibition "I'm leaving! Mstislav Dobužinkis travel guide". Instead of the official opening, a classical music concert took place at 10 pm. The concert featured elegies, romances, and dreamy duets. The audience was charmed by Elena Šešelgytė playing the piano, Dalia Šešelgienė playing the violin, Marija Šešelgytė mastering the viola and Emilė Elena Dačinskaitė singing soprano and Dominykas Urba, owner of the tenor voice. Without even leaving Lithuania, we went to sunny Italy with the music and works of M. Dobužinskis. We saw this wonderful country as this creator saw it almost a hundred years ago. M. Dobužinskis captured Italian cities in drawings, watercolors, participated in exhibitions, Venice Biennales, and even lived here for several years. The memories he wrote about Italy were published in book format. He created scenography for theaters in Milan and Naples. And in the Lithuanian theater, sunny Venice and the participants of the colorful carnival taking place there were immortalized in Riccardo Drigo's ballet "Arlekinada" (1935). Therefore, the impressions of the trips remained for a long time and emerged in various forms in his later works. The theater allowed him to visit different countries and, figuratively speaking, travel through time. After spending the spring in Italy, in the fall we will board M. Dobužinskis' travel train again and visit France, Germany, and return to Lithuania. And during the "Night of Culture" with the motto "Travels in theater and music", the museum invited to view other exhibitions: "Wandering Stars: Jewish Theater in Lithuania 1910-1943", the exhibition of final works of VDA scenography bachelor students "Portalai`2024" and "Cinema Theater - hiding place from life", located in the courtyard of the museum. The Sheik Dance Theater and a troupe of French dancers performed "Insane" in the courtyard of the museum on "Night of Culture". The participants of the show took the audience to a mystical state. Evil spirits are driven out, danced to a brutal, lively rhythm. Lietuvos teatro, muzikos ir kino muziejus