Unleash the potential of ALF in motion grants for CSOs in the Mediterranean region for innovative intercultural exchanges!
Povod Institute invites members of the Anna Lindh Foundation for EuroMed dialogue in Slovenia and in the EuroMed region to join an online networking event to meet with potential partners who are artists, cultural associations, NGOs, research institutes and other Civil Society Organizations who are members of the Anna Lindh Foundation network.
This online networking event aims to:
1. Learn more about the ALF in Motion program's valuable opportunities to facilitate innovative exchanges between culture, art, and civil society institutions in the EuroMed region.
2. Create new partnerships between CSOs in the North and South of the Mediterranean.
Therefore, if you are based in Slovenia and would like to find a partner based in the southern Mediterranean region to host them or be hosted by them through the ALF in Motion grants, we encourage you to join our online event to learn more about the ALF in Motion grant program and to find a partner in the southern Mediterranean region.
To join the online networking, you need to register here:
Find out all the information about the #alfinmotion program via the Anna Lindh Foundation Website here:
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