Shaping Dialogue Processes - Promoting Participation"
Communication thrives on debate and the diversity of opinions. Dialogue processes offer the opportunity to shape this exchange in a participatory and creative way and to make it effective.
This workshop provides frameworks and different forms of dialogic process design - for both analog and digital dialog formats. Basic principles of participatory dialogue process design will be taught, and case studies from the participants' own practice will be used to explore in depth the application and adaptation possibilities of various formats.
Working principles for dialogue and discussion design
Design principles for shaping (participatory) dialogues and processes
Reflection on varieties of dialogue and decision making
Characteristics and commonalities of dialogues in presence or digitally
Sensitization to challenges of dialogue process design in culturally diverse teams
In-depth exemplary discussion of methods and modes of dialogue and conversation based on participants' application interests (e.g., open space, consensus dialogue, future conference, world café, dragon streaming)
Dealing with resistance and promoting active participation and sustainability in process design
Inspiration for the design of team meetings, conferences or network meetings (in presence or digitally)
Carolin Gebel (Dipl. Pol.) has been working for 20 years as a coach, dialogue facilitator and process consultant with holistic concepts and formats for personnel and organizational development. Trained in group dynamics and Gestalt psychology, among other things, she supports questioning patterns of contact and collaboration and strengthening transformation and community building. As a permaculture designer, she introduces teams and organizations to possibilities of sustainable design principles for resilient strategic development.
Get registered here by November 27th 2022 here!
We will provide the registered participants with the link to join prior to the workshop. In case not enough or too many participants will sign up and we will have to choose, we will inform you.