Anna Lindh Foundation

Online Youth Debate: “Content creators just satisfy what the audience demands: both sexist language and images".
Women’s image and role played in media settings are heavily swayed by existing social and cultural norms entangling gender stereotypes. The stereotyped image of women manifested by sexist and misogynic language and amplified by media outlets is certainly hindering the progress made to attain gender equality. “Mind the language” a project that brings together youth from Albania, Spain and Tunisia and offers them the opportunity to map the situation in their country regarding the usage of sexist and misogynistic language in media, exchange insights on their realities and to foster counter and alternative narratives. The project is awarded within the frame of the Intercultural Cities Programme funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation, led by Albanian Media Institute (The Head of Network) and our partners WeYouth Organization and AIFED. The first activity of the project is an Online Youth Debate with the participation of young people from Spain, Tunisia and Albania and other countries of the Euro-Med region. The debate will take place in ZOOM on 10th November 2021, at 18:00 CET. Motion of the debate will be “Content creators just satisfy what the audience demands: both sexist language and images". Zoom link to connect: You are welcome to join us!