Anna Lindh Foundation

OPEN CALL: Grow Your Skills workshop
Have you ever stopped in the beginning of a new project because you felt that you were lacking some knowledge or skills to implement your idea? Did you want to learn a new skill and did not know how or where to start? How can we fill in the knowledge gap?  Join coach and trainer Johanna Westbrandt in an interactive workshop to find out how.  The Anna Lindh Foundation Swedish network is hosting the online workshop Grow Your Skills on 16 and 17 April 2024 09.30 - 12.00 CET. (Note: obligatory to attend both days) The workshop covers: What does it mean to master a skill The best conditions for learning and skills development What stands in the way of learning Introduction to models of learning and training Crafting a personal plan for learning the skills you need   Participants will experience: Understanding more of how learning happens and how a skill is developed Real time experience of how fast humans learn anything Interaction between participants in the workshop, discussions and reflecting together Space for peer learning among each other Possibility to ask questions from the facilitator who has several decades of experience in training, teaching and learning   Day 1: What is learning and how to develop any skill? On the first day, participants will dig into what learning and skills development really are and what the perfect conditions are for learning new skills. Participants will get a first hand experience of how fast humans learn when conditions are right. Johanna will share some models of learning and how to set up a plan for different types of skills development. Day 2: Creating the plan: What skills do I need to advance in my project or endeavor  On the second day, the participants will create their own plan of developing the skills they need to advance in their own projects and find out how to support others when they need to develop their skills. Johanna will introduce us to the first steps needed and start the journey of acquiring the skills you want. Language: English  Participants profile:  member or alumni of the Anna Lindh Foundation want to increase your knowledge about and understanding of learning and skills development want to listen to and share ideas about what is needed to advance your own and others’ projects and purposes   Sign up here by Wednesday 10 April.  About our trainer:  Johanna Westbrandt is the founder and chairman of the civil society organization Waytogo. She is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in sales, business development and personal development. She has trained people for most of her career and in later years she has coached leaders and entrepreneurs who are up to something big in the world. As a consultant she helps organizations to develop company core values, formulate purpose, vision, mission. In the organization Waytogo she has developed expertise and written a book about matters of inclusion in society and has trained and coached youth (unaccompanied minors, newly arrived refugee youths and youth from socio economically challenged neighborhoods) in leadership, self management, learning and mindset. Questions: please contact the Swedish network coordinator, Rasha Shaaban. This workshop is organised with the support of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Swedish Ministry of Culture.